where I'd like to be:

where I'd like to be:

Friday, May 9, 2008

Check that one off

Do you know what fascinates me? To-do lists. Because everybody has to make one at some point (some make them constantly). After discovering this bizarre fascination, I have made it a point to ask peeps how they 'structure' their to-do lists. You know, do ya just make one long list? Do you prioritize the tasks? Index cards? Post-it notes? A desk calendar? Fancy shmansy planning software?
Now, I've asked some supposedly 'big-time' peeps these very questions, and from all of this 'research', I have discovered one incontrovertible truth: everyone does it differently, and no one is satisfied with their method. That reminds me of a movie quote:

"Son, in 35 years of religious study, I have only come up with two hard incontrovertible facts: there is a God, and I'm not Him."

1 comment:

Lindsey Dal Porto said...

personally, i like to write them on my hand. now that i have two working ones, of course. and if it happens to wash off, i rely on my ever so active brain that has a photographic memory. And if that should fail, i like to turn to post-its. Those little yellow pieces of paper. arent they just the best?